Sunday, 31 March 2013

The Sqube Factory

Welcome to the Sqube Factory, so what is a sqube I hear you ask? 

The sqube was created after I adopted in 2012 two coronet guinea pig boys and I already made some types of guinea pig fabric beds and tunnels for my 3 girls and neutered boy, but the boys just didnt like them and spent all their time under a stool, so the search was on to find something that they would enjoy using and sleeping in that was enclosed for them but they were very close to each other so it had to be big enough for these two huge boys to share. Nothing was available in the UK that I liked which was a similar position to before with the herd and their beds, although lots of people do make guinea pig beds, I also didn't want to copy their products. 

The boys

After playing around with some ideas, I finally made my first sqube, the name came about after I showed my partner my proudly made square cube bed for the boys, he said "its not quite a cube, not quite square, its a sqube" and the name was perfect, thus the sqube was born. It was then all down to the boys and if they liked their new bed, well I didn't have to wait long for their approval and more of them had to be made so they always had squbes available when I washed them to keep their pen clean and fresh. As I made more I perfected the design and made more to then sell on to others as my pigs enjoyed them, why would others miss out. With all items I have ever made I then would donate money from my pocket at the end of the month to a rescue depending on how many had sold and I donated several times thanks to their popularity. 

 I have been busy in the months since the sqube launched onto the market, having posted out to Australia and America as well as Europe I have realised they are a popular item and wanted to offer more products to have fun with, the Trunnel (a triangular tunnel) was born after one of my boys popcorned in a tunnel and rolled over a few times and because I know that various types of bedding is used in other guinea pig owners set ups, the Gazebo was born to be used in any situation including outside in runs as it has no base.  More products are in the pipeline, I like to make fun and bright beds and toys for them to play with and sleep in, always using my 6 pigs to test them out before finialising a working design that is durable and well loved by them.


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